How to Live to 110, a guide for all ages on how to stay healthy and live a long life.

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How to protect against heart disease, strokes, aneurysms, dementia etc

How we choke up our blood vessels

(Avoiding heart disease, strokes and related diseases)

In the West, by far the biggest danger we face over our lives is damage to our arteries – the vessels that carry blood away from the heart and around the body.

This damage kills an astounding one in three people in the UK, and it leaves vast numbers of others disabled in various ways.

To a great extent, this damage is something we cause ourselves. If you start taking action early enough, you can prevent it happening.

From childhood onwards, a substance builds up in streaks in our artery walls. The streaks gradually turn into swellings, particularly when people are inactive, smoke, put on body fat, allow their blood pressure to remain high, or eat the wrong types of food. However, it is usually not until people reach their 40s and 50s that the swellings have any noticeable effect.

Heart attacks and strokes

If a swelling bursts, a clot forms inside the artery. This can block that artery, or the clot may be carried in the blood to block a smaller artery downstream. The blockage cuts off blood beyond that point, causing severe damage or even death.

A common place for this to happen is in the narrow arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle. Part of the heart muscle or be damaged, impairing the heart’s ability to pump blood. This is what is known as a “heart attack” or “coronary”.

If a clot blocks the blood supply in the brain, it causes a “stroke” – brain damage that can lead to death or severe disability. Clots can also damage other parts of the body including the legs and eyes. The swellings weaken the artery walls, and this sometimes results in an artery bursting – an “aneurysm” – often with devastating effect.

Some of the things you can do

If you want a long and healthy life, and an old age free from disability, your highest priority should be to avoid the build-up of these swellings in your arteries. Several effective ways you can do this are:

It is now known that saturated fat and cholesterol in the food you eat are not to blame for damage to arteries, despite what you may still read.

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How to Live to 110: Longevity, living longer and the steps to take for a healthy old age